Thursday, February 23, 2012

A bit of pink, close to red

I was outside pruning yesterday in preparation for the garden show, it takes so much time to get everything perfect, if there is such a thing in gardening. I do love it though, and the deadline of the pending show makes me do things I have been putting off for years! I am tying up my bougainvillea and pruning it. I want it to grow along the top of the wall but I don't want it to get unruly so the underbrush will be kept in check but the tops will bloom on the wall above the roses. The colors are so amazing on these papery flowers, almost so bright that they are impossible to capture in paint. The petals are like paper and the light plays between the folds of the flowers. Here is my quick sketch and I am drying my petals for our paper making event next month, don't miss it.

I want to see what other red things you have been painting!

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