Saturday, November 17, 2012

November Sketch class

We had an awesome class today, there were six of us that dove into our paints and worked on mixing basic colors to produce secondary colors, beautiful grays and toned down primary colors. Everyone took lots of notes in their sketchbooks so they can refer back to them in the future. This is a great way to test colors when you are planning on doing a painting. By pretesting color combinations you don't run into big mistakes. We then painted some beautiful fall leaves that Randy picked for us to paint from.
While we painted we enjoyed delicious snacks, Marianne brought bear claws and Penny brought homemade persimmon cookies to munch on. Three people did the homework challenge and were able to choose something from the goodie bag! I am hoping that everyone can post their leaves on the blog so those of you who were unable to come can see how wonderful they turned out! Here are mine
Remember to allow your colors to blend on the paper instead of trying to mix all your colors on your palette. Practice, practice, practice!!

Your next challenge is to paint something RED! Its Christmas so it seems appropriate. Remember what we learned today about values of reds and letting colors mix on your paper. So when you paint something red don't just use one red from the tube but mix other colors with it. Yellows, blues make wonderful additions. The yellow will warm and area and the blue will cool, making wonderful violet shadows. Remember to leave the lightest areas the white paper and also create lighter areas to give the painting depth. Also don't forget to add those shadows to ground your items, you don't want them to appear to be floating! Have fun and surprise me!

I will be working on a video about our lesson which will be available to watch or purchase if you were unable to attend the class. Happy Painting!

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